World FM Radio is the best application for streaming FM radio stations from all around the world. Have you ever had the problem of losing your signal while traveling? Do you need to find out news about loved ones during a disaster and need information fast? With World FM Radio, you will never have to worry about being out of the area to listen to your favorite stations. Using your phones 3G, 4G, or even WiFi connections you can stay connected from anywhere in the world.
World FM Radio lists information about the local radio stations such as the address, the call sign, the broadcast frequency, and it even links to their website. World FM Radio also continues to run as a background task so it does not interrupt the FM station you are listening to and allows you to use your smartphone for other games or apps.
World FM Radio has a fast and easy to use interface as well as a powerful search feature you can use from almost every screen. World FM Radio has categories listed by country if you are just looking for a station from a specific area. We make it easy for you to find all your favorite stations that play pop, rock, top hits, jazz, classical, easy listening, international music, instrumental, and more! You can also tune to a station to track current news or events live and have that streamed directly to you in seconds.
World FM Radio has Stations from all over the globe Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia.
Our Android App World FM Radio Includes following Features:
✔ 30,000+ FM Radio Stations
✔ App Continues to Run as a Background
✔ Record Your Favorite Program
✔ Create Alarm for your Favorite Program from Any FM/Radio
✔ Create Shortcuts for your favorite FM/Radio Stations
✔ Play your Favorite FM/Radio from Shortcuts
✔ Favorite list to manage your favorites FM Radio
✔ Share Feature to Share the FM/Radio with App to Your Friends and Family
✔ Advance Search Feature
✔ FM/Radio Stations are shorted in Alphabetic Order
✔ Sleep Timer to Automatically Off the FM/Radio
✔ Auto FM Radio Start After Phone Call Ended etc.
✔ And Many More...
All FM/Radio Stations do not broadcast for 24 Hours, so Those Stations Will Not Work When They Are Not LIVE on AIR.
For Any Suggestions + Query + Problems + Solution about Our App "World FM Radio" Please write us on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>